Development Strategy of the City of Żywiec - summary of consultation meetings

Strategia Rozwoju Miasta Żywiec

On 27TH of  September, residents had the opportunity to learn more about the City Development Strategy for Żywiec for 2023-2030.
During the meeting, participants received copies, of being created lately, City Development Strategy document, which was discussed in detail by Mrs Dagmara Bieńkowska from the Centre for Strategic Consultancy. A significant part of the meeting was devoted to the subject of changing the aura and taking care of ecology in Żywiec City.
The aspect of youths, who are unfortunately increasingly leaving the city, was also important. It is worth to mention, that the project includes various ideas to guarantee a better future for youths, take care of their careers and education.
Another important group included in the project of City Development Strategy 2023-2030  are Seniors and how to make it easier for them to function in the city. Ideas for developing Żywiec Lake shores was also subject of the big interest.
The entire meeting was held in a very pleasant atmosphere. Thank you all for your presence!


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